129 Bogwid
Exposition <horrible shriek followed by hissing of vapours> “See how it recoils when young Julien casts Frostbite upon it? Now Julien,...
129 Bogwid
128 Fortune Eater
127 Maftet
126 Scythe Tree
125 Girtablilu
122 Hounds of Tindalos
121 Harmona
120 Brainchild
119 Shaukeen
118 Blodeuwedd
117 Grindylow
116 Amalgamite
115 Death Coach ft. Cardinal Adventures
114 Dullahan ft. Cardinal Adventures
Trollvember Part 3 - Hybrid Theories
Tollvember Part 2 - Bigger, Badder...Better?
111 Trollvember Part 1 – My Kinda Deadly
110 Nixie
109 Hadrinnex
108 Skulltaker