Gods I hate him. Him and his hyperbole and his hubris.
The anti-humble, the humdrum opposed. The harrying harasser. The harrowed humiliator. That’s what he is now.
What we all are now…
A great storyteller he was. But for every lucky break or monotonous day of travel spent, he didn’t have to make us out to be “blessed by gods” or “ever chasing and chased by the shadows of evil”.
For every attempted highway robbery, we didn’t have to have had “thwarted an organized bandit uprising sure to sweep the land.”
And when he managed to pay less than the usual rate for extra company in his bed, he didn’t need to claim that he “read in her eyes that she was the long-lost heir to an ancient throne” and that she “waits in longing still, for his return.”
And that time I was yanked into the mouth of that cave creature, I really didn’t need to have been “heroically lunging into the toothy maw of the legendary Tarrasque itself!”
Imagine the embarrassment when our egos overmatched our aptitude. Because it did. And I hate him for it. But mostly I hate myself for being swept up in his tales. We ventured forth by “popular demand.” Can you even imagine?
And now, for what may be an eternity, we endlessly drag more stories into ourselves. Each more boring than the last. But forever retold with his excruciatingly obnoxious ‘flair’.
James: Fortune
Freeman: Misfortune
Source: Bestiary 3, pg. 101
Reading List:
Pathfinder Lore
· Introducing….TPK: The Creature!
· When a group of adventurers die together, in a rather a ‘ignominious’ or humiliating way their restless spirits may rise again from strong jealous emotion and become a Fortune Eater!
· A collective entity that might lurk near taverns, or fortune tellers, or even Pathfinder Society lodges.
· Anywhere they can linger near other would-be heroes and adventurers and bask in their own jealousy.
· They find such a group, follow them on their quest, and wait for the right moment to reveal themselves, get the party killed and add them to the collective.
· Sometimes they simply wait near the lair of a powerful enemy that is constantly (and perhaps quite recently) sought after by adventurers.
· They don’t just linger out of jealousy though. They also have unfinished business. They may actually aid in the defeat of a great threat, or help in the acquisition of a legendary artifact, with the intent of moving on.
· However, their jealousy and rage make it unlikely they will do this. Or at least that the aid will simply allow them to move on.
Sidebar - Lore
· Fortune Eaters constantly babble about impossible feats they performed in life, describing the epic bravery and foolhardiness that was part of their untimely death.
· Examples: Teleporting hundreds of feet into the air to fall atop a dragon and slay it mid-flight. Or diving into the jaws of a Kraken to kill the beast from within.
· I found a fun Reddit Thread where someone asked for ideas of what the Fortune Eater would babble about.
o Most of the commentors seemed to have misunderstood the assignment however. They put a lot of quips that you’d hear a player say instead of bragging about fake exploits. It’s still a funny read though.
· N/A
Mythology and Folklore
· N/A
ET! Test Kitchen