James: Lamont Cranston Freeman: Nightcloak
Book: MM 269 & GGtR 205 (…sort of)
D&D Lore
· Resemble a dark exaggeration of humanoid shadows
· Incorporeal undead
5e About/Creation
· Drawn to creatures untainted by evil
o Apparently, they taste better?
· Drains victim strength and physical form until it’s shadow begins to move on it’s own
· Once the mortal dies, the shadow then breaks free becoming a new shadow
· IF somehow this creature returns to life, the shadow birthed from it senses its rebirth and could seek out it’s parent to dispatch it
o This creature no longer casts a shadow until it’s undead
one is destroyed
Previous Editions
· Hate life and light
· Seek our those who have lived morally good lives
· Hesitant to confront those wearing silkstone
o A fibrous variety quartz
· Touch saps the strength of living creatures (like 5e)
o Not needed as sustenance
o Exist entirely on negative energy
o Are just straight up an addict for the life energy
o If denied living energy for too long enter a frenzy and will attack anything
· Usually live alone in dark places
· Can be found in a “gang” of 2-5 or a “swarm” of 6-11
· Clerics of Shar, Nightcloaks, can be capable of summoning shadows
Cultural Lore
Choctaw [chok-taw]
· An indigenous population native to the Southeastern US
· Known to Europeans as one of the “Five Civilized Tribes”
· Have a rhythmic languages and I’m going to try very hard to get this correct
· Believed that every man had a shilombish [shy-lomm-bi
sh] (outside shadow) which always followed him and the shilup [shi-lope] (inside shadow/ghost), which after death goes to the land of ghosts
· The shilombish would wander restlessly moaning over it’s former home seeking another place to live
· try to frighten its friends (other shadows) to scare them away so it could take their place
Nalusa Chito [na-luss-A chit-O]
· a great black being
· it people thought evil of depressing thoughts it would enter their mind and eat their souls
· many Choctaw people will not say the name in fear of summoning it
· Romanized as djinn or anglicized as genies
· Invisible creatures that from pre-Islamic Arabian religions
· Covered more when we get to Djinns
· A spirit of ghost of a dead person residing in the underworld
· Common believe that the dead there live in shadow
The Book of Shadows
· A text containing Wiccan magical rituals
· First was created in 1940s or 50s by Gerald Gardner which he used in the Bricket Wood Coven in Hertforshire
· Shadow Man, Mega Man 3
· Shadow the Hedgehog
· Honda Shadow
· The Shadow Man – episode of Twilight Zone
Lamont Cranston
· THE Shadow
· Debuted on the ratio in July 31, 1930 in the Detective Story Hour
· First pulp magazine written by Walter B Gibson in 1931
· Starring the 22 year old Orson Welles!
· Replaced by Bill Johnstone in 1938
· Then Bret Morrison in 1944
· Eventually into comics in the 1940s
· Then Dark Horse in the 1990’s
· Now Dynamite
· In the books the shadow is Kent Allard, though this isn’t revealed until 1937 in the Shadow Unmasks
· A famous pilot for the French during WW1, known as the Black Eagle
· After the war ends he fakes his death by crashing his plane in e Guatemala before encounter an ancient Xinca tribe
· He uses magic tricks, intelligence and a Colt .45 to hunt down criminals
· In almost all other aspects his alias is Lamont Cranston, a man whos identity he steals as a cover, but not in other media
· In the radio drama he leans how to read minds and hypnotize people enough to make himself invisible to them
o Explicitly states that this shit is actually science
· After the war he returns to NY and decides the best way to use his money and ninja skills are to become a vigilante
o Sound familiar?
· Bob Kane & Bill Finger sight the Shadow as the basis of Batman, whose origin story is based on the “Patterns of Peril” a Shadow pulp by Theodore Tinsley
· Also credited by Alan Moore as being the inspiration for V
· And Darkwing Duck
· And Darkman
· I could go on
· Just because it’s my favourite episode – Beware the Gray Ghost, where Adam West plays the Gray Ghost a Shadow analogue that was Bruce’s hero growing up, and homage to both the Shadow and Adam West
Shadow Person
· A shadow figure / black mass
· April 12, 2001 Art Bell interviewed a man claiming to bee an Indigenous elder called Thunder Strikes
· Beginning the belief of shadow people
· Usually wearing a fedora
· Believed to be the devil himself Source Books
Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse Reading List
Death House Rescue – The Shadow September 26th, 1937 (radio drama)
Native American Legends – George Lankfrod